Match on Discord !

Dismatch is a bot that has as a goal to match people with similar interests and personnality traits based on advanced matching algorithms

Make the best online friendships

With Dismatch you will find the perfect teammates for doing your favourite activities and build long lasting friendships

Easy to use

Trust me, it will take you less than 5 minutes.

Accurate matchings

All this thanks to our developed algorithms.

Dismatch is more than just a partymaking bot.

Our aim is to create long lasting friendships and relationships above the digital world.

Register to the waitlist
Work 1 Work 2 Work 3

Our goal pricing plan.

NOT YET - These are just goals



  • 1 weekly research
  • Queued service
  • No server integration
  • No support
Coming soon



  • Unlimited research
  • priority service
  • Server integration
  • Priority support
Coming soon

We would love to get your feedback

Join the discord.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to most common questions.

Is Dismatch available yet?

We are trying to make it done as soon as possible and now trying to get discord users opinion about our service.

Will you have hidden fees?

Absolutely none.

Will there be any age restriction?

Of course, users must be older than 15 and age is an important factor in a the matching process.

Can I join the dev team?

Why not? Send us your resume on the discord below in the appropriate channel.

Have questions?
Join the discord